Thursday, February 27, 2014

Gamer Partnerships

What is a partnership?
A state of being partner or partners 

In video game terms that means you are apart of a company. Meaning you show off their product and they pay you for how many views you get. There are numerous different partnerships available to gamers around the world. For instance the most common partnerships are Youtube, Twitch, and Call of Duty.

Most of you have heard of those big name titles. How exactly did they become so big? Well one thing that made these companies so huge is the partnerships with these people: Level Cap, Whiteboy7thst, and the FAZE clan and many others. These are all people you make hundred of thousands of dollars each month, just because we watch their videos.

How or where exactly does all this money come from? It comes from those annoying ads we see. That is how most people now are able to get paid. Also apart of the ads is Google. Google gets paid billions of dollars for people to host the ads that people give them. Anytime you see or hear an add is because of the Google Ad Sense, this allows the website holders and the video owners to make money.

In other words gamers are making money off of the ads and off the gamers that have their videos up. You might look on some peoples site and see millions of views, take half of that number within a month and that how much they make off of ads.

There are a few ways in which you can obtain a partnership with any of the huge name brands and be apart of grand things you see on the internet. The first thing is that you go and apply for a partnership on their site or through an email you send them. However you don't want to just send any old email make it something worth their time to read. Something that sticks out to them, an eye grabber if you will. After you have grabbed their attention make sure you are posting insane videos of gameplay or of anything that the public viewer will love to watch over and over again. I know it sounds insane to do, but it is obtainable to anyone that wants to try.

At one point in my life I was apart of a partnership with a company, I was raking in the money literally. The downfall of a partnership is that you have to dedicate your life to video game playing. I know it sound more glorious than it actually is they want you on 24/7. No matter what happens. If you break their contract though you could end up paying all the money back and they will take over your channel and anything you had going. They literally can take what you have created and delete it forever, with out any notice for you.

Youtube Partnership

There are a lot of great things out there you can make money on, unless you want to dedicate your life on something like that steer clear of it.

The IRS can also get involved with this as well. TAXES are a pain in the butt.

I will simply leave you with life has choices choose the right one!


  1. I can see how this would be helpful to those interested in starting a channel and being paid for it and the challenges they have to go through. This was a good post so keep it up!!!

  2. This was pretty interesting! I know one of my friends earned some money with his youtube channel. I didn't know that there is a option you have to pay it back if you don't do what they ask. This post is pretty good, especially for people who want to start to earn money with something like this.
